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Health & Nutrition

Almond Butter Vs. Peanut Butter

Almond Butter Vs. Peanut Butter

Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter

Almond butter and peanut butter are both solid nut butter choices (although technically peanuts are a legume), and they taste great on a variety of things, like fresh fruit, bread, in yogurt or oatmeal, and as a dressing or sauce.

However, besides distinction in flavor, when considering almond butter vs peanut butter, you may wonder if there are nutritional differences between them and if one is more nutritious than the other.

Here at Bobo’s we use both almond butter and peanut butter for their excellent nutrition and taste quality. Both nut butters are beneficial for weight loss and weight maintenance, as the high healthy fat content and natural source of protein in both fills you up for longer to limit mindlessly eating during the day in between meals and snacks.

Both can be creamy or crunchy, but the most important factor is the quality, where the almond and peanut butter are both pure (containing the nut and oil) and are free of any whacky additives, sweeteners, and other ingredients that may be added through processing.

Is almond butter healthy?

Yes, for sure—almond butter has protein, magnesium, fiber and healthy fats. The kind of fats are MUFAs. According to research, MUFAs help support healthy cholesterol levels and better heart health, thereby lowering risk of heart disease, stroke and high cholesterol and blood pressure.

What’s more, the American Heart Association shows that foods containing MUFAs also have a good dose of vitamin E, which is great for skin health, in particular. SO, that’s why you may see almond oil and extract in certain skincare and hair care products, too. At Bobo’s we choose almond butter  in a few of our product lines such as our hearty, oat "stuff’d” bars and protein bars to promote greater satiety due to the high MUFAs content as well as rich fiber.

Is peanut butter healthy?

Peanut butter is also healthy, but it contains a different kind of healthy fat, which is how these two types of nut butters differentiate from each other. Peanut butter contains PUFAs as their kinds of clean, nutritious fat. Peanuts are in fact legumes, so they may not be tolerated for those on a Whole30 or paleo diet (which restricts legumes due to phytates and lectin content). Peanut butter also has plenty of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin E, calcium, and iron. And although almond butter has a similar nutritional value in regards to calories and sugar, peanut butter has slightly higher protein.

Which nut butter is healthiest?

When comparing almond butter vs peanut butter nutrition, they are similar and it comes down to allergy. If you have a peanut allergy, go with almond butter. If you have a tree nut allergy, go with peanut butter. If you like one for flavor of the other, go with that one. Both almond butter and peanut butter are healthy and packed with nutrition to keep you full, your muscles strong and your heart health in check.

Both are great for weight loss and maintenance, but they are high in calories and fat still, so eating them in moderate doses (proper serving sizes) will be the best way to include them in your diet without causing weight gain from excess calories and healthy fat.

In terms of almond vs peanut butter taste, while they do both have a nutty texture and taste, almond butter is generally a bit more milder, where it can be masked better in recipes than peanut butter, which is more pronounced and will certainly stand out.

We’ve chosen to include both in our bars to provide variety for the customer, and you can easily switch off between the two in the week if you are adding it to oatmeal, chia puddings, smoothies, yogurts, or as a drizzle on top of a Bobo’s bar.